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Our Collaborations

Who we are working with!

Acrylic Robotics

Acrylic Robotics make robots that paint with precision, and AI that can turn any image or idea into a masterpiece with real brushstrokes. In other words, they are creating a whole new medium of fine art for the modern age.

RoboCast Podcasts

RoboCast is the first Persian Podcast series exclusive on the robotics and AI fields.


As robotics specialists they take great pride in our professional customer service, consultative approach and service robotics automation solution design capabilities. They also seek and source specialised robots as well as develop custom robotic platforms and robot application software to satisfy niche needs and requirements.

Space Concordia

Space Concordia’s Robotics Division was formed as an engineering final project in 2012. The team is divided into four engineering teams (Mechanical, Electrical, Software, Science) and the project is divided into five systems (Mobile Platform, Robotic Manipulator, Science Payload, Autonomy, Operations). is a startup that strives to be a leading firm in the smart mobility and automotive sectors. Our goal is to help transportation entities and the smart mobility community pave a path to a more productive, sustainable, and smart environment.


Their goal on their website is to make the fields of Robotics and Mechatronics relatable, understandable, fun, and available to everyone!

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